What is a Bollard?
A bollard is a short post typically constructed of steel, wood or plastic. They are designed to provide a visual barriers, physical protection and or decorative outcomes.
Visual Barriers
Bollards create clear visual barriers for drivers, helping to direct traffic and prevent access to restricted areas. When used properly, bollards regulate vehicle traffic while ensuring clear sight lines and efficient pedestrian flow.
Physical Protection
Bollards can be installed to withstand high-impact vehicle collisions. Steel pipe security bollards are made from structural grade steel and are designed to be embedded and reinforced with concrete. Security bollards are ideal for sensitive locations such as building entrances, pedestrian areas and exposed utilities - where safety and security are especially important. Decorative or utility covers also ensure security bollards are visible and/or provide decorative appeal.
Decorative Purpose
Decorative bollards and covers contribute to the visual quality of a building or landscape. They feature stylish designs to complement the shape, texture, color and weight of a building in its surrounding landscape or community neighbourhood. Decorative bollards can reinforce planning and design - and can also help increase cohesion with nearby building and the surrounding neighbourhood.
Classification of Bollards
Traffic bollards come in four main classifications:
Embedded bollards
Surface mounted bollards
Rebounding bollards
Retractable / removable bollards